*Products will be shipped sequentially from around February 9, 2025 .
The expected shipping start date varies depending on the product. If you order the same product with different expected shipping start dates, the product will be shipped according to the latest expected shipping start date.
Please note that delivery may vary depending on the situation and that the arrival date may differ.
This product is not eligible for the "Shipping within 5 business days after payment is confirmed" policy.
heavy oz, loopback, embroidery
100% cotton
Size M
Length 71.5cm Width 64cm Shoulder width 59cm Sleeve length 61cm
Size L
Length 73.5cm Width 68cm Shoulder width 62cm Sleeve length 63.5cm
Size XL
Length 75.5cm Width 72cm Shoulder width 65cm Sleeve length 66cm
* We try to measure the size as accurately as possible, but there may be some errors depending on the individual product. Please note that the size may vary by 1 to 2 cm from the listed size.
*There is a purchase limit of one item per person for each item.
Please note that we may be forced to cancel your order if it is determined to be a large purchase over multiple purchases or an obviously fraudulent order.
*Please refrain from placing orders for the purpose of resale. If we determine that your order is for the purpose of resale, we may cancel all or part of your order.
Please note that we will not contact you in advance if we decide to cancel your reservation. Furthermore, we cannot answer inquiries regarding the reasons for cancellation or the criteria used to make such decisions.
*Please be careful not to make a mistake in size or color. Please note that we cannot cancel or exchange your order due to incorrect size or color.
Please check here for shipping rates and delivery information.